• Theology Thursday: Why is anime in my church?

    Theology Thursday: Why is anime in my church?

    On Tuesday, October 30th, Kyle and I were sitting together in our office working on different tasks set for us that day. Suddenly, he turned to me after gasping at something he had seen on his phone. He showed me and my immediate thoughts were, “No way, this has to be a joke… maybe a…

  • OLM: Advent Design

    Looking for a great new shirt / sweatshirt to wear during the Advent season? Who isn’t? At Our Lady’s Mantle Shop we have released our 2024 Advent Sweatshirt and T-Shirt. Each of these shirts are produced by our Family Owned business, and shipped out to you with care. These are currently on a 28 day…

  • Keeping your Family Catholic

    Keeping your Family Catholic

    I hear it a lot, and quite frankly its probably my biggest fear. Families that you think are on fire with the faith, their kids lose their faith upon entering the world. Why does this happen? How can we guard against such a thing? When Krista and I discuss our hopes, our dreams, and our…

  • Theology Thursday: Daughterhood

    Vocation: daughterhood  Whenever I come to reflect on the concept of vocation, it always seems like something that is waiting for me in the distant future; perhaps less distant considering I will be married in a couple of months. However, spending time with my peers in the San Damiano Scholars program at Marian University, there…

  • Managing Chores

    Ah the dreaded chores and kids.  I have talked to many parents over the past 20 years and gotten much insight.  I promise you I have no magic solution to chores.  I also know that many people will disagree with how we do chores and probably our reasoning behind it.  Andy and I strongly believe…

  • Theology Thursday: Fatherhood

    Happy Thursday!In only a few short months, my father will be walking me down the aisle, giving my hand to my soon to be husband, entrusting to him the woman he has raised me to be today. Simply writing that sentence makes my eyes tear up. My fiance and I will be standing hand in…

This is how it all started…

Married for over 20 years, we’ve been blessed with twelve children. This blog is just our way of saving a digital record of some memories, writing down our ideas, and our commentary on the world. Most of all as a tool to help each other, our kids, and all who may be touched by this site get to Heaven. Blessed Carlo Acutis, Pray for us!

Andrew & Krista Murrey

Fans of Big Catholic Families

Owners of Our Lady’s Mantle Shop – Catholic Apparel